In-home physical therapy, anywhere in Pompano Beach, FL

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Find the best physical therapists in Pompano Beach, Florida

Luna’s Pompano Beach physical therapists specialize in a variety of conditions, including ankle injuries, tendonitis, knee pain, and more. Our licensed PTs design comprehensive treatment programs tailored to individual needs, incorporating guided stretches, manual therapy, and pain management techniques. From Ocean Drive to NE 15th St., Pompano Beach residents can conveniently access physical therapy services in their homes.


Meet some of our Pompano Beach therapists


How it works


Get matched with a therapist


Receive care on your time


Heal faster with Luna

Work with the same physical therapist who’s an expert in your condition for every appointment.

Your therapist will deliver PT in person, at your home or work, so getting care is safe and convenient.

In between sessions, your therapist can prescribe in-app exercises and answer any questions in the Luna® app.


Get matched with a therapist

Work with the same physical therapist who’s an expert in your condition for every appointment.


Receive care on your time

Your therapist will deliver PT in person, at your home or work, so getting care is safe and convenient.


Heal faster with Luna

In between sessions, your therapist can prescribe in-app exercises and answer any questions in the Luna® app.


People in Pompano Beach trust Luna

Read what your neighbors are saying about Luna. And watch a video.


Use insurance or pay a flat fee

No matter how you pay for treatment, there’s no prescription required to start.



$0 per visit

Most Medicare plans with a secondary cover your entire cost. You’ll pay nothing to Luna.



$125 per visit

You won’t be charged until after your visit is completed.


Where are Luna therapists treating patients in Pompano Beach?

Our therapists are scheduling in-home appointments everywhere in Pompano Beach.

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Get personal, convenient care

Greetings, Pompano Beach! Meet Luna, the innovative at-home service making physical therapy accessible wherever you need it. Quality care comes to you effortlessly with our therapists on board. At Luna, registration is a snap — we accept all major insurance providers, including Medicare. And, regardless of your payment method, you can begin your treatment without a prescription.


Frequently asked questions

Where in Pompano Beach can I receive treatment?

Our therapists in Pompano Beach are dedicated to providing convenient physical therapy services that cater to the hardworking residents of this vibrant city. At Luna, we understand the unique challenges of navigating healthcare in Pompano Beach, from securing prescriptions to dealing with traffic. Let us bring the care you need directly to you, so you can focus on enjoying all that Pompano Beach has to offer.

Is in-home physical therapy covered by insurance?

Luna accepts many insurance plans, and we handle the benefits verification process for you. With Luna, you always pay the same exact co-pay your insurance plan has for visiting a PT clinic. We accept all major commercial insurance plans and Medicare.

Can I see the same physical therapist every session?

We strive to have a single therapist work with each patient for their entire course of care. In very rare cases, your scheduling priorities may require adjustments, but you’ll always know who is seeing you for your appointment in advance.