Physical therapy for bulging discs in Wheaton, Maryland

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Meet with the best bulging discs physical therapists in Wheaton, Maryland

Wheaton, Maryland, Luna’s experienced physical therapists can help patients recovering from bulging discs — restoring mobility, increasing flexibility, and reducing pain. With proven techniques and personalized PT programs, our licensed practitioners design treatment programs tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

The best part? With Luna, patients can receive their PT at home, or even at their office. It’s convenient. It’s effective. It’s physical therapy, delivered.


What is a bulging disc?

Also known as a herniated disc, a bulging disc occurs when an intervertebral disc loses its shape and begins to compress a spinal nerve. An intervertebral disc is made up of two parts: an outer shell of cartilage and an inner shell of jelly-like material. If the outer shell becomes weakened or brittle, the soft inner gel can deform the disc.

When a disc is herniated, the soft inner gel breaks through the outer casing. If a disc is bulging but not herniated, the gel has deformed the spine but not necessarily broken through the cartilage. A bulging or herniated disc can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and discomfort in the back, which can radiate into the chest, buttocks, legs, or arms.

Source: North American Spine

Bulging disc symptoms

The symptoms of a bulging disc vary depending upon its location. If the herniation is in the lumbar spine, patients may experience pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and weakness in the lower back, buttocks, legs, and even feet. Bulging discs in the cervical spine, on the other hand, will typically cause these same symptoms — but in the neck, arms, hands, or head.

Those in the thoracic spine are the least common type, and can cause upper back pain that radiates through the stomach or chest. Patients sometimes confuse this pain for a cardiovascular problem.

Severe bulging discs can make it difficult for the patient to walk and will sometimes produce feelings of heaviness in the legs and back.

The most common symptoms of a bulging disc include:

  • Numbness, tingling, or pain in the back
  • Numbness, tingling, or pain in the legs or arms
  • Difficulty walking

Source: North American Spine


What causes a bulging disc?

Advanced age is a significant risk factor, as spinal cartilage can become weak and brittle over time, leaving the patient more susceptible to the condition. Patients are at greater risk if they have had poor posture for most of their lives, as sustained spinal slouching can overstretch and weaken the spine’s cartilage.

A sudden unexpected stress on the spine, such as lifting a heavy object with improper form or a car accident, can also cause a bulging disc. A heavy load or strong force on the spine can cause the cartilage to weaken, crack, or break.

The most common causes of a bulging disc include:

  • Age
  • Repeated stress
  • Sudden, unexpected stress

Physical therapy for bulging discs in Wheaton, Maryland

Physical therapy plays a primary role in recovery for patients suffering from bulging discs — particularly given that surgical intervention is often not opted. Both passive and active methods of physical therapy can be used to reduce pain and improve mobility.

Passive physical therapy techniques for bulging discs usually include deep tissue massage, hot and cold therapy, electrical stimulation, and hydrotherapy. Active treatments include core strengthening exercises, stretching, active hydrotherapy, and exercises to strengthen the back, legs, and arms.

Source: Spine Universe

Frequently asked questions

Where are Luna therapists seeing patients?

Across the Wheaton area, our therapists are at your service for in-home physical therapy sessions. In every neighborhood we operate in, we strive to deliver physical therapy at your doorstep, ensuring the utmost convenience for your PT experience.

Is physical therapy covered by insurance?

Luna collaborates with a multitude of insurance plans, streamlining the benefits verification process for your convenience. Opting for Luna ensures your co-pay will always match the exact amount specified in your insurance plan for a PT clinic visit. We accept all major insurances and Medicare.

Is there a waiting list for new patients?

No way! We're committed to ensuring a hassle-free start for patients in their physical therapy experience. New patients are always accommodated promptly, and in the majority of cases, their first at-home physical therapy session can be scheduled within 48 hours of signing up. Our therapists are available for appointments from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm, seven days a week. Check Availability.

Who are Luna’s physical therapists?

Luna's therapists are true professionals, boasting a minimum of 3 years of experience in the field, often exceeding this requirement. Each therapist undergoes a rigorous interview and extensive background check. We only work with therapists who are deeply committed to providing top-tier care to their patients.

We’ve got your back. Book a PT today.